January 7, 2011

New Year's Resolution Success Tips

The New Year is a great time to implement improvements in your life. Follow these five simple steps to make and keep New Year's resolutions. These tips will aid in successfully attaining whatever goal you choose:

Step 1: Pursue what you are passionate about.

New Year's resolutions should be something you have to work at all year. For example, if your passion is to help others, find ways to volunteer in your community or budget money to donate to a favorite charity.

Step 2: Make a plan.

Include several goals and tips to help you through rough times. Keep a journal. Success is achieved through proper planning. Set goals and reward yourself after attaining each one. Join a support group.

Step 3: Refocus

At least once a week, revisit steps 1 and 2 as a reminder of why you made the New Year's resolution and prepare to meet your next goal.

Step 4: Determination leads to sucess.

New Year's resolutions require fortitude. If you have a setback, learn from it and move on. Think positive!

Step 5: Don't quit!

Have fun. Resolutions can be difficult and take preseverance. Find a inspiration and refer back to why you are passionate about making a change. Implement fun ways to stay on task to attain your goals.

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